We empower locals to start or expand small business with low-interest loans.We empower locals to start or expand
small businesses with low-interest loans
Haitian unemployment has skyrocketed to over 40%. Many parents simply cannot afford to provide for their children. It is estimated that over 300,000 Haitian children are restavek; a child in Haiti who is sent by their parents to work for a household as a domestic servant because the parents lack the resources required to support the child. Therefore, there is a great need for employment and business opportunities to support families and communities.
We have received $10,000 in order to start a Microloans Program, which provides low-interest loans to locals wishing to start or expand businesses. Through this program, we plan to help Haitian entrepreneurs and provide monthly training and accountability courses. We have established a fair repayment system, with the hopes of being able to reinvest in more projects. Since June 2017, we have given loans to over 30 individuals and are receiving more requests from interested community members. We would like to continue expanding but need your help!
If you would like to donate to this program please visit our donation page and make a note that you would like to contribute to the microloan program.
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Check out our August 2017 Donor Report.
About Us
Oasis Haiti is a non-profit organization located in Les Cayes, Haiti. We currently have an Orphanage & Microloans Program. Learn more.
OASIS HAITI is a project of
The Hamilton Church of Christ
Charity Number: 869633586RR0001
Get Involved
Oasis Haiti relies on help of volunteers and donors. Learn how YOU can be involved in our projects Learn more.
Donate Today
Oasis Haiti has NO ADMINISTRATION FEES, 100% of the donations goes to the Oasis orphanage! Tax receipts will be given for donations of $20 or more.